Wednesday, October 17, 2012


OH MY GOSH!  This TED video is so amazing!  Check it out.  Write a one paragraph response.  Add a photo or two if you like (similar to last week's post).


  1. the best part was with the picture. I like how they just pointed and it started moving. I never thought any one could do that. I also like how the kids were using social media in the classroom.

  2. this video was cool. i liked how when they pointed at the paper and it showed the tennis game. I never knew how that a simple device could do that. I liked how when they popinted at the picture of the kids it showed what they were doing.

  3. The video was really cool! Just off the bat I loved his accent and i loved when he took all the kids in the school and how surprised they were! Really amazing on what technology can come to these days!

  4. I liked how they just made a video and put it on a card. That could help in the classroom because you could point it at the textbook and it could explain things. It is cool that technology came so far.

  5. This video was amazing!!!! Never in a million years would I think that would be possible, but this TED video has proved me wrong. The best part was when the little kids were freaking out when they saw the picture move. It tought me that anything is possible in today's technology. I LOVED THE TED VIDEO!!!!!!!

  6. This video is really cool. My favorite part was when they used the iphone on the jungle background and a t-rex was there. I thought that it was cool when the kids were so amazed about aming it at a picture and watching tv. I also thought that aming the iphone at the newspaper and it showd that game of tennis.

  7. I thought that was awesome!!! I never thought that you could ever do that!!! The best part for me was when the little kids saw how to do it!! I think that was awesome how you could just point your camera at a picture and it will come to life!!!! THAT WAS REALLY AWESOME!!!!! :)

  8. I Love how the router shows the instructions.
    Also i love how the picture he brought with him came to life. But i did notice the lady had that looks like a square disk.

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  9. My favorite part about this video was when the T-Rex came to life and Matt Mills acted like it was going to attack him. I also liked how amazed the kids at the school were when they found out how you can make pictures come to life. I also liked how when they did the wave, they started from scratch to prove to us that none of this was edited before the show. All together, this video was amazing!

  10. i thought it was cool i like the jungle part i love how the router showed how it worked instead of looking for instructions written

  11. I think that video was awesome! It was cool whenever they just pointed it at the newspaper and the tennis game seemed real-life! I loved when the kids were amazed when the picture moved! The dinosaur one was awesome too!!

  12. Best Ted Video YET!! (: Love how it came alive, didn't think it would do that, but it did!, and it was amazing((: Don't want to leave this class next friday but i have too...and it won't be any fun...Well whoeveer has Mrs. Barnabi next is going to have an amazing time!! :)
