Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Are you ready for 21st Century Learning?

Are You Ready for 21st Century Learning?


Dear student:

This survey is to help us determine what technology you are using in and out of school. Please take your time and answer the questions completely and honestly.

Personal Information:

Name of teacher: ______

1.     I am in grade:      q 7      q 8      q 9      q 10      q 11      q 12

2.     I am:      q Male      q Female

Information about technology access:

3.     I have a computer at home:
q That is used by only myself
q That is used by anyone in my family
q Do not have a computer at home

4.     I have (or have access to) a flash drive (jump drive, pen drive):
q Yes
q No

5.     I have a printer at home or have access to a printer outside of school:
q Yes
q No

6.     I have a scanner or have access to a scanner outside of school:
q Yes
q No

7.     I have Internet access at home:
q Yes
q No

8.     I have my own email account:
q Yes
q No

9.     I have my own digital camera:
q Yes
q No
q I use my parents’

10.  I have an iPod or MP3 player:
q Yes
q No

11.  I have a personal cell phone:
q Yes
q No

If you have a cell phone, check all the ways you use it:

q       Phone calls
q       Texting
q       Taking pictures
q       Taking videos
q       Accessing the Internet
q       Listening to music
q       Keeping calendar appointments
q       Doing schoolwork
q       Alarm clock
Other (please specify) ______

12.  How often do you use a computer outside of school?
q       Every day
q       4-6 times a week
q       1-3 times a week
q       Less than once a week
q       Never

13.  How often do you use the Internet outside of school?
q       Every day
q       4-6 times a week
q       1-3 times a week
q       Less than once a week
q       Never

14.  How often do you use the computer for research in your classroom?
q       Every day
q       2-4 times a week
q       Once a week
q       Less than once a week
q       Never

15.  How often do you, the student, get to use technology in the classroom?
q       Every day
q       2-4 times a week
q       Once a week
q       Less than once a week
q       Never

Information about attitudes, knowledge and skills:

For the following items, put a check under the description that is most accurate.

Not at
All true
Somewhat true
16.  I am able to determine if information on a website is true.

17.  I know how to give web authors credit when I use their material in my papers by using citations & providing references.

18.  I type my research papers & major assignments for school.

19.  I am able to insert graphics into my documents.

20.  I can create graphs or pie charts in a spreadsheet program.

21.  I am able to use spreadsheets to calculate sums & averages.

22.  I can use the computer to create multimedia presentations (such as PowerPoint presentations).

23.  I have created interesting and unique projects using a computer.

24.  I am able to work independently to complete projects using a computer.

25.  I am able to be creative and artistic with a computer.

26.  My teachers encourage the use of the computer for school assignments.

27.  I have cooperated with a group of students to create a class project using computer technology.

28.  I am able to create a database to store and retrieve information.

29.  I believe that knowing how to use the computer will be important for me in my future.

30.  I use pictures and graphs in my computer work to better explain my ideas.

31.  Technology helps me understand how the things we learn in school relate to real-life situations.

32.  I use computers to find information from sources that are like printed books (such as electronic encyclopedias).

33.  I use technology to find information that is not in our school library or school books (such as U.S. Census data describing people who live in a city).

34.  I use technology to solve short problems (such as list the population of several African nations over the last five years).

35.  I use technology to solve more complex, real-life problems (such as create a multimedia presentation on how to reduce pollution at school).

36.  I work in a team with other students when I use technology.

37.  I use computer programs to predict how things in the real world might change (such as predict population growth in a city).

Information about use of Web 2.0 tools for school related and personal purposes:

For the following items, put a check under the description that is most accurate about how often you use the following Web 2.0 tools. Please put 2 checks – one for school related uses and one for home-related uses.

School related use

Personal use

Every day
2-4 times per week
Once a week
Less than once a week

Every day
4-6 times per week
1-3 times per week
Less than once a week
38.  Blog

39.  Wiki

40.  Podcast

41.  Upload or download video online

42.  MySpace

43.  Facebook

44.  Twitter

45.  Personal webpage

School related use

Personal use

Every day
2-4 times per week
Once a week
Less than once a week

Every day
4-6 times per week
1-3 times per week
Less than once a week
46.  Image sharing or editing

47.  Digital Story Telling

48.  Google Docs

49.  Google Earth

50.  Second Life or other virtual world website

Thank you for completing this survey.

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