Monday, September 24, 2012

Window Art Assignment

1.  Window art introduction.
2.  Select small groups (no more than two or three people per group!).
3.  Select THEME.
4.  Find design your group wishes to use (either picture, or create your own design in on our pixel site).
5.  Pull image (either photo, or your own design - save to H drive).
6. Print out design - one copy for me (Mrs. B), one copy for your group!

After you've completed the above assignment (make sure to turn in one copy of your group's image with your names on it to Mrs. B), create the following BLOG on YOUR PAGE:

Blog 11:  Window Art Assignment

Post (link) image from (check your page, it allows you to copy this link and then post it on your blog!). 

Add your PIC for your window art!



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