Friday, September 28, 2012

Educational Technology

As a teacher, how would I define how technology is used in our classroom? 


  1. Fun, easy, less boring, and still getting a education at the same time! (;

  2. We barely get to use our technolgy in the class room

  3. it's funner using technology in classrooms than sitting there doing work and reading a book.

  4. I would say technology is not used as much as we want it too we would be having fun while learning and i think, as a kid, We get bored with having teachers stand up there and lecture us and we get bored and we find things to pay attention to and we are not focused on what we are supposed to be, If we had technology we would be more in to or more paid attention to our work, We would have fun while getting an education!

    1. I agree! We do get our work done while we are having fun, and the funny thing is, we don't think we are learning when we are using technology.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Easy, Interesting for almost everyone, Not hard to do at all.. Having fun through school.. Still educational

  7. We use technology and get edu. at the same time.

  8. But technolgy can be very educational

  9. We would be excited to come to school and if we used our technology we would like to come to classes and not tired technology is fun!!

  10. Technology in the classroom is a fun, active way to get away from book work but still learning at the same time.

  11. I would say that technology is sadly not used as often as us students want. We have fun doing it and we still get our work done. We get it done in our own way. We can be unique. We can be different. We can be who we are. We are our own person-on the technology we use.

  12. it is alot funner and less boring and we would be learning at the same time

  13. Educational, more fun than other things, less boring

  14. We use technology to look things up. To me it seems to be easier to learn on the computer than to learn with paper and pencil.

  15. I think using technology to learn is better than using books and papers.

  16. I think it helps out a lot you can explain how to do things with diffrent technology and diffrent sources.

  17. We don't use technology much at school. Yes, we have our phones with us but, that doesnt mean anything. I only use my phone in English, Reading and Computer but thats it. We wished we could use it more cause we don't like being lecutered everyday for 7 hours. That gets really boring. I have to be doing something to really get something. It would help if we got to use our phones or other technology... (:

  18. I would define that technology is used in our classroom by being fun, interesting, and still keep learning about different things each day.!Also, I always have to being doing something hands on because if not I tend to zone out. I hate it how teachers stand infront of the classroom and lecture for 40 minutes straight. But, in this class you don't do that.

  19. it is more harder with comuters than paper

  20. I think that is it fun. Way better than just doing work in class!!

  21. It's easier to learn with computers, you can develop a intrist to learning. You can also do games with it and other fun stuff!

  22. kid pay more attention when we have tecnology because thats something we like and enjoy, and were always around it

  23. It's better for use of our learning because it's able to help us with a question we don't know

  24. Technology is alot better then having teachers,lecture us 8 hours a day and 5 days a week.I have to beable to have it hands on because it's easier to learn,and get alot's all so faster and even more fun for all of us!

  25. it is way more fun then useing a pecil and paper!! and it is easier! :)
